Practice space.
Bringing together all of my materials in the studio at Plymouth University I had a few days of concentrated study which allowed an exploration of forms in the space. One aim was to test out some modes of display. I have been thinking about how to suspend the dumpy bag prints in the space while making sure the suspension method was useful & added to the theme of the work. Rather than using fishing wire or wire & hooks I decided that ratchet straps & hooks could provide an answer. These straps are often used to secure or move dumpy bags when they contain heavy loads. The straps can also be used to make a line between 2 points that can then be used to suspend the bag prints. Whats more is they are interchangeable & reusable. Various configurations were tested out & the main thing I have learned about using them as a way to show the prints is that I need to really consider the distance between anchor points. By nature my work inhabits every space differently & takes on a site specific quality in terms of display. This means the work is adaptable & so the method in which it is displayed should be adaptable too.
Drawing from another recent set of works, Tarp Sculpture, I used the same 2 materials, a Large Tarpaulin & a Rope to make a new expanded installation. Stretched across the space the tarpaulin which has previously been used as a wrap or has been folded away is at its largest thinest spread. Bisecting the space into a diagonal upper & lower half. Rather than being bound to an object with the rope, in this case it is suspended in the space by means of bungee chords which pull the tarp in 4 directions using the strengthened loopholes in the material. In this space the light catches the top surface & shines. Below, the light is muted & the space doesn’t feel small but is secluded by the visual barrier.
An additional form I wanted to create involved the large tarp, 100 sand bags & a ratchet strap. They were stacked & strapped to a concrete post. I plan to take this idea further when I have gathered more materials.
Continuing, themes of surface quality, suspension, attachment, manual labour, strength vs weakness, wrapping, rewrapping, folding & rearranging will come forward.